Title 27 / Subchapter 8
[Sub-Art. Art.
or Sec.]*
or Sec.**
[800.0] Art. 1 General
[800.1] 522 Scope
[800.2] 523 Definitions
[800.3] 524 Tents and Air Supported
[801.0] Art. 2 Basic Requirements
[801.1] 525 General
525.1 Place of Assembly Permit
[801.2] 526 Location
[801.3] 527 Posted Capacity
[801.4] 528 Approved Seating Plans
[801.5] 529 Enclosure and Interior
[801.6] 530 Means of Egress
[801.7] 531 Seating in Assembly
[801.8] 532 Aisles and Cross Aisles
[801.9] 533 Travel Distance
[801.10] 534 Exit Openings
[801.11] 535 Safe Areas
[801.12] 536 Corridors
[801.13] 537 Exit Passageways
[801.14] 538 Vertical Exits
[801.15] 539 Open Exterior Spaces
[801.16] 540 Exit Lighting
[801.17] 541 Exit Signs
[801.18] 542 Emergency Lighting
[801.19] 543 Light Projection Sources
[801.20] 544 Motion Picture Screen
[802.0] Art. 3 F-1 Places of Assembly
[802.1] 545 General
[802.2] 546 F-1a Places of Assembly
[802.3] 547 F-1b Places of Assembly
[803.0] Art. 4 F-2 Places of Assembly
[803.1] 548 General
[804.0] Art. 5 F-3 and F-4 Places of
[804.1] 549 General
*"C26" omitted from section numbers in this column.
**"27" omitted from section numbers in this column.
Table No.
8-1 Determination of Exit and Access Requirements
***§[C26-800.1] 27-522 Scope. -
The provisions of this subchapter shall control the
design and construction of places of assembly as
defined in subchapter two of this chapter. For specific
classifications of assembly occupancies, see article
eight of subchapter three of this chapter. For place of
assembly permit requirements, see section 27-525.1 of
article two of this subchapter.
***Local Law 23-1990.
§[C26-800.2] 27-523 Definitions. -
For definitions to be used in the interpretation of this
subchapter, see subchapter two of this chapter.
§[C26-800.3] 27-524 Tents and air supported structures.-
Places of assembly enclosed by tents or air supported
structures shall comply with the provisions of this
subchapter regulating indoor places of assembly, and with
the provisions of article nineteen of subchapter seven of
this chapter.
§[C26-801.1] 27-525 General. -
The provisions of this article shall apply to all places
of assembly, in addition to the specific requirements of
articles three through five of this subchapter for the
several categories of places of assembly.
**§27-525.1 Place of assembly permit. -
a. It shall be unlawful to use or occupy any building
or premises or part thereof as a place of assembly
unless and until a permit therefor shall have been
issued by the department. The permit shall be for a
term of one year.
b. The application for such permit and such permit
shall be in a form prescribed by the commissioner.
c. The annual fee for a permit issued pursuant to
this section shall be the amount provided for in
paragraph seven of subdivision a of section 26-214 of
the code. An application for such permit or renewal
thereof shall be accompanied by the annual fee, except
as otherwise provided in section 26-210 of the code.
d. The permit issued pursuant to this section shall
be posted in a conspicuous place in the place of
assembly, which is covered by such permit.
e. In the case of a permittee that is an establishment
that offers for sale food and/or beverages for on-
premises consumption, but not including establish-
ments operated by a not-for-profit corporation, and
employs or uses the services of a security guard, as
that term is defined in subdivision six of section eighty
nine-f of the general business law, such permittee shall
comply with the provisions of article 7-A of the
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Title 27 / Subchapter 8
Public Assembly License No________ Commissioner,
(where applicable) Dept. of Buildin
s, Cit
of New
(number)____PERSONS AS____(type of occupancy)____
(number)____PERSONS AS____(type of occupancy)____
(number)____PERSONS AS____(type of occupancy)____
Public Assembly License No_______ Commissioner,
(where applicable) Dept. of Buildings, City of New York
general business law, shall obtain proof that such
security guard is registered pursuant to article 7-A of
the general business law, shall maintain such proof in
a readily available location, in accordance with rules
promulgated by the commissioner during all hours in
which such place of assembly is open to the public,
shall maintain a roster of all security guards working
at any given time when such place of assembly is open
to the public, and shall
require each security guard to maintain on his or her
person proof of registration at all times when on the
f. For purposes of this section, there shall be a
rebuttable presumption that a person employed or
whose services are retained at a place of assembly
whose job functions include (1) the monitoring or
guarding of the entrance or exit of such place of
assembly to manage ingress and egress to such place
of assembly for security purposes during the hours of
operation of such establishment and/or (2) protection
of such place of assembly from disorderly or other
unlawful conduct by such patrons is a security guard
provided, however, that such rebuttable presumption
shall not apply to the owner of such establishment as
described in subdivision e of this section that has
received a place of assembly permit.
g. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter,
only the permittee shall be liable for violations of this
section that relate to a permittee’s obligations
regarding security guards.
h. In addition to employees of the department,
employees of the police department and the
department of consumer affairs shall have the
authority to enforce the provisions of this section
regarding security guards.
i. The enforcement agency shall report any
violation of the provisions of this section relating to
security guards to the state liquor authority if the
permittee holds a license pursuant to the alcoholic
beverage control law.
**Local Law 35-2006; Local Law 23-1990.
§[C26-801.2] 27-526 Location. –
No place of assembly shall be located within two
hundred fifty feet of any occupancy containing explosive
§[C26-801.3] 27-527 Posted capacity. -
Signs shall be posted in all assembly spaces,
indicating the number of persons who may legally
occupy the space. Signs shall not be required where
seating is fixed in place in accordance with an
approved seating plan and no provision is made for
standee spaces. Such signs, where required, shall read
as follows:
When a space is occupied for multiple purposes
involving different occupant loads the sign shall read
as follows:
Signs shall be at least twelve inches wide and sixteen
inches high. The lettering shall be red on a white
background. The letters shall be at least one inch high
and the numerals at least one and one-quarter inches
high. Signs shall be framed under a transparent protective
cover, and permanently mounted in a location that is
conspicuously visible to a person entering the space.
Signs shall be lighted by artificial illumination at all
times during occupancy to maintain at least five foot
candles on the surface of the sign.
§[C26-801.4] 27-528 Approved seating plans. -
In every place of assembly providing seating, copies
of approved seating plans and approved alternate
seating plans shall be kept on the premises. The plans
shall be readily available for inspection, and shall
provide the following information:
(a) For assembly spaces:
(1) The location of each seat of each tier of seating,
along with the number of occupants of each seating
(2) The location and number of standees for each
standee area.
(3) The total number of occupants of each tier
and of the assembly space.
(4) The location and classification of all exits.
(b)For safe areas:
(1) The furniture and equipment arrangement and
(2) The number of occupants to be accommodated.
(c) For stage areas:
(1) The maximum number of occupants, including
audience seating on the stage.
(2) Any conditions limiting the use of the stage area.
(3) The location of all exits.
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Title 27 / Subchapter 8
These plans shall not be smaller in size than required
for one-eighth inch scale plans.
§[C26-801.5] 27-529 Enclosure and interior finish. -
Places of assembly shall be separated from adjoining
occupancies by construction meeting the requirements of table
5-1 or table 5-2, whichever may apply. The interior finish of
places of assembly shall meet the requirements of table 5-4.
§[C26-801.6] 27-530 Means of egress. -
Places of assembly shall be provided with exit
facilities meeting all of the requirements of this
subchapter and all of the requirements of subchapter six
of this chapter. A place of assembly located in a
building classified in another occupancy group shall
comply with the exit requirements of this subchapter,
but may use the exit facilities of the building of which
it is a part as a means of egress from the building.
§[C26-801.7] 27-531 Seating in assembly spaces. -
All seating in assembly spaces shall conform to the
(a) Seating arrangements.- Except as otherwise
provided in this subchapter, all seating shall be arranged
in rows to provide for orderly egress.
(1) CHAIR SEATING. - Seating patterns
employing individual chairs shall comply with the
a. Assembly spaces in which the net floor area,
exclusive of stage area, is less than eight square feet per
person shall be provided with chairs that are rigidly
anchored to the construction or fixed in place by devices
that prevent movement in any direction, except that not
more than twelve movable chairs may be provided in a
box or loge if such box or loge is separated from the
main seating pattern by railings or other permanent
construction and has an area of at least five square feet
per chair.
b.In assembly spaces where the net floor
area, exclusive of stage area, is between eight and
twelve square feet per person, movable chairs may be
used provided all chairs in a row between aisles are
fastened or ganged together to preserve the integrity of
the row. Not more than twelve chairs shall be used in
any row between aisles.
c. In assembly spaces where net floor area,
exclusive of stage area, is more than twelve square
feet per person, individual movable chairs may be
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Title 27 / Subchapter 8
Not more than twelve chairs shall be used in any row
between aisles.
d. All chairs placed on stepped platforms less
than four feet wide shall be anchored or fixed in place.
e. The minimum distance between centerlines
of chairs in the same row shall be nineteen inches.
f. The spacing between the back of one chair
in any row and any part of the chair in the row behind
it, including arm blocks, when the seat is in the lift-up
position for automatic operation or in the horizontal
position for nonlift-up or nonautomatic operation,
when measured horizontally between plumb lines,
shall be at least twelve inches, and this spacing shall
be increased for any of the following reasons:
1. Where a difference in floor level occurs
between any two rows, the spacing shall be increased
as follows:
Difference in Level (in.) Increase in Space (i
6-10, plus any fraction of an inch.. 1
11-16, plus any fraction of an inch 2
17-22, plus any fraction of an inch 3
23 and over………………………. 4
2. Where it is necessary from any location
to pass more than seven chairs to reach the nearest
aisle, spacing shall be increased one-quarter of an inch
for each chair in excess of seven.
g. Not more than eight chairs shall be
provided in any row of seating having access to only
one aisle except as provided below for bleacher and
platform seating.
h. Performance viewing positions shall be
provided for persons who use wheelchairs in
accordance with the following schedule.
Local Law 58-1987.
Capacity of Assembl
Number of Viewing
75 to 100…………. …………….minimum 4
101 to 150………... …………….minimum 5
151 to 200………... …………….minimum 6
201 to 300………... ……………………….7
301 to 400………... ……………………….8
401 to 500………... ……………………….9
501 to 1000……..…………….. 2 percent of total
Over 1000………... 20 plus 1 for each 100
over 1000
These positions shall be located so as not to interfere
with egress from any row of seats and shall be
reachable by means of ramps and/or elevators. Steps
shall not be allowed in line of travel from the main
approach entry to the designated locations. Size and
placement of wheelchair locations, surfaces, access to
performing area and listening systems where required,
shall comply with the provisions of reference standard
RS 4-6. These positions may be utilized by persons
who do not use wheelchairs provided that the positions
are delineated on the approved seating plans, the
seating is readily removable and the positions are
unsold one full working day before the performance.
Fixed or folding
bleachers shall comply with the following:
a. For the purpose of determining occupant
load, individual seat space width shall be assumed to
be eighteen inches. There shall be a space of at least
fourteen and one-half inches between the back edge of
each seat and the front edge of the seat immediately
behind it when measured between plumb lines.
b. The width of footboards and seat boards shall
be at least nine and one-half inches. Where wider seat
boards are provided, the space between seats may be
reduced by an amount equivalent to the increase in width.
c. Sections having not more than ten
consecutive rows of seating shall not require aisles.
Where there are more than ten consecutive rows, aisles
shall be provided at the ends of seat rows, the
minimum spacing between seat rows shall be
increased to sixteen inches and the required space
between seat rows shall be increased by one-quarter of
an inch for each seat in excess of seven that it is
necessary to pass to reach an aisle. Cross aisles shall
be provided at the bottom of each section of seating.
d. Bleacher seating shall be constructed to
comply with the requirements of subchapters nine and
ten of this chapter
(3) PLATFORM SEATING. - Stepped platforms
used for seating without chairs shall comply with the
a. For the purpose of determining occupant load,
individual seat space width shall be assumed to be
eighteen inches.
b. Platforms shall be at least twenty-eight
inches deep from front to back.
c. Platform depth shall be increased one-
quarter of an inch for each seat in excess of seven that
it is necessary to pass to reach an aisle.
d. Aisles complying with section 27-532 of
this article shall be provided when the height between
levels of platform seating exceeds eight inches
(4) BENCH SEATING. - Bench or pew seating,
with or without backs, may be used when complying with
the applicable requirements for chair seating in [sic]
paragraph one of this subdivision. For the purpose of
determining occupant load, individual seat space width
shall be assumed to be eighteen inches.
chairs shall be so arranged that the distance from any
chair at any table by way of a path between tables and
chairs is not greater than eighteen feet to an aisle
Title 27 / Subchapter 8
leading to an exit. The width of the path shall be at
least eighteen inches, except that it may be reduced by
one inch for each one foot that the distance to the aisle
is less than eighteen feet but may not be reduced to
less than twelve inches. Chairs, when placed with the
front edge of the seat on a line with the edge of the table,
shall not protrude into the path. Booths containing up
to eight seats may be used, provided they open directly
on an aisle.
(6) COUNTER SEATING. - Counters at which
food or beverages are consumed shall be attached to
the floor. Fixed or movable chairs or stools may be
provided. The number of occupants shall be
determined on the basis of one occupant for each
eighteen inches of counter length. The width of aisles
bordering counters shall be measured excluding a
depth of eighteen inches for chair or stool spaces.
(7) STANDEE AREAS. - Standee areas may be
permitted within assembly spaces provided each
standee space has a minimum width of twenty-two
inches and a minimum depth of twenty-one inches.
Standee areas shall not encroach on the required exit
facilities and shall be separated from the space to be
left clear for passage by tape, ribbon or other easily
broken material, supported by lightweight posts fixed
in stationary sockets, so constructed and placed as to not
constitute an obstruction in case of panic or emergency.
(8) PROTECTIVE GUARDS. - Protective guards
shall be provided for seating and standee areas as
a. A protective guard at least thirty inches
high above the floor shall be provided along the fascia
of all balconies, loges, and boxes, except that the
guard shall be at least thirty-six inches high at the
bottom of stepped aisles. When rails or other parts of
such guards are designed with ledges more than two
and one-half inches wide, the top surface of the ledges
shall slope down toward the seating area at an angle of
at least thirty degrees from the horizontal. The guards
shall provide an unperforated curb or toeguard at least
twelve inches high above the level of the floor of the
balcony, loge, or box.
b. A protective guard at least thirty inches high
above the floor shall be provided at cross aisles where
fixed seat backs of any adjacent lower level do not
project at least twenty-four inches above the cross aisle
c. A protective guard at least eighteen inches
high above the floor shall be provided along the front
edge of any stepped platform where fixed seat backs
of the adjacent lower level do not project at least
eighteen inches above the stepped platform level.
d. A protective guard at least twenty-six
inches high above seat level shall be provided at the
open ends of bleacher seating, extending from the
front of the third row of seats to the back of the
highest row of seats, and continuously along the rear
of the seating, except where the seating is adjacent to a
Guards shall be designed to meet the load
requirements for railings in subchapter nine of this chapter.
§[C26-801.8] 27-532 Aisles and cross aisles. –
Assembly spaces shall be served by aisles, cross
aisles, or other unobstructed floor areas providing
access to exits, except as permitted for bleacher seating in
paragraph two of subdivision (a) of section 27-531 of
this article.
(a) The capacity of aisles and cross aisles shall be
adequate to serve all persons for whom they provide a
primary path of travel to an exit. (See section 27-533
of this article.)
(1) CAPACITY. - The capacity of aisles and
cross aisles shall be as listed in table 8-1. The unit of
exit width shall be twenty-two inches. Seats or other
facilities shall not project into an aisle or cross aisle so
as to reduce the width of the aisle or cross aisle more
than one inch per unit of exit width.
(2) MINIMUM WIDTH. - Aisles and cross aisles
shall have a minimum width of forty-four inches
except that the width may be at least thirty-six inches
under any one or more of the following conditions:
a. In any assembly space having a total of not
more than three hundred occupants.
b. When not more than the number of persons
permitted for one unit of exit width is served.
c. At the narrowest point when a tapered aisle
is permitted under paragraph three of this subdivision.
When an aisle parallels and is alongside an
enclosure wall or partition that is provided with exit doors
spaced not more than sixteen feet on centers, provided
such aisle serves only the rows of seats adjacent to it
(3) TAPERED AISLES. - Tapered aisles shall be
used where egress is provided only at one end of the
aisle, except that uniform aisles may be used when
their width for the entire length will accommodate eighty
percent of the total occupant load served by the aisle.
Tapered aisles shall be widened gradually so that their
width at the point of discharge provides for the entire
occupant load of the aisle.
(4) UNIFORM AISLES. - Aisles of uniform width
shall be used where egress is provided at both ends of an
aisle by either cross aisles or exit doors. The width of
uniform aisles shall not be less than required for sixty
percent of the total occupant load served by the aisles.
aisle or cross aisle discharges directly into exit
openings, a space shall be provided in front of such
openings that is at least as wide as such openings and
at least as deep as the width of the aisle or cross aisle.
(6) CROSS AISLES. - Cross aisles, at any point
shall not be closer than twelve feet to a stage area
Title 27 / Subchapter 8
using scenery or scenic elements. Steppings shall not
be permitted in cross aisles.
floors of aisles shall have a gradient of not more than one
in eight. Where differences in levels require a greater
gradient, steps shall be used, complying with the
a. When one riser only is used between levels
of platforms, its height shall not exceed eight inches,
and where more than one riser is used, none shall
exceed seven and three-quarter inches.
b.No riser shall be less than four inches high.
c. No riser shall vary from the height of the
riser immediately above or below except that risers
that are separated by a tread of seventeen inches or
more may vary up to one-quarter inch.
d.The width of treads of intermediate steps
between platform levels shall be at least nine and one-
half inches, but not more than ten and one-half inches,
exclusive of nosings.
e. Treads at the level of platforms and
seventeen inches or more in width may slope not more
than one-quarter inch in twelve inches.
f. No steps shall be used to enter a row of
seats from an aisle unless an unobstructed floor space
of at least seven square feet is provided at the level of
the aisle, between the aisle and the steps.
g.Each step in an aisle shall be marked along
its nosing with a permanent contrasting color stripe,
and shall be provided with a step light.
h.The line of risers of aisle steppings shall
deviate no more than twenty degrees from a line
perpendicular to the centerline of the aisle.
aisles shall
be provided with landings at exit openings, and shall
have a length equal to at least the width of the aisle
and a slope of not more than one in twelve.
(9) LIGHTING. - Aisles and cross aisles shall be
provided at all times with at least one-half foot candle
of artificial illumination by electrical means.
(10) VOMITORIES. - Vomitories within assembly
spaces shall comply with all of the requirements for
aisles, and shall have a clear ceiling height of at least
seven feet.
§[C26-801.9] 27-533 Travel distance. -
At least one exit opening shall be available from every
attached seat or standee space in an assembly space, or
from the most remote point in the space when movable
seats are provided or, when no seats are provided, within
the primary travel distance limitation listed in table 8-1.
In addition, an alternate exit opening shall be available
from every attached seat or standee space, or from the
most remote point when attached seats are not provided
within the secondary travel distance limitation listed in
table 8-1. Such alternate exit openings may serve to
satisfy the requirements for primary travel distance for
other seats or locations. Exit openings satisfying the
primary and secondary travel distance requirements for
any one seat or location shall be separated from each
other by a distance of at least twenty-five feet.
(a) Travel distance shall be the measured distance
along centerlines of paths of travel to the centerline of
the exit opening, as adjusted by penalties for multi-
directional or stepped travel as provided below.
(1) No path of travel shall be permitted through rows
of seating other than the first leg of travel from a seat to an
(2) The first thirty-five feet of a primary path of
travel and a secondary path of travel may be
common to each other except that this distance may be
increased to fifty feet in F-2 places of assembly.
(3) Not more than three changes in direction of
travel shall be permitted in the path of travel to an exit
opening. A change in direction shall be deemed to occur
when it is necessary to change direction by a forty-five
degrees or greater angle, measured from the preceding
line of travel, except that it shall not be considered as a
change in direction when it is necessary in an aisle or
cross aisle to travel in another direction not more than
seven feet.
(4) Travel distance shall be the sum of the
distances of all segments of travel to the exit, computed
as follows:
Segment Length
First leg of travel Measured distance
Second leg of travel after
first change in direction
Measured distance
Third leg of travel after
second change in direction
1.25 times measured
Fourth leg of travel after
third change in direction
1.40 times measured
Any leg of travel with
four or more steps
1.25 times length of segment
as computed above
§[C26-801.10] 27-534 Exit openings. -
Exit openings from assembly spaces shall comply with
the following:
(a) Capacity. - The capacity of exit openings shall
be listed as in table 8-1, based on the number of
occupants for whom the opening satisfies the primary
travel distance requirement.
(b)Width. - Exit openings shall be at least thirty-six
inches wide for single doors and at least sixty-six inches
but not more than eighty-eight inches wide for doors
swinging in pairs, except that in assembly spaces having
an occupant load of over three hundred persons, single
door openings shall be at least forty-four inches wide.
Title 27 / Subchapter 8
(number of persons per unit of width)
Maximum Travel Distance
Doors or Openings
Within Assembly Space (ft.)
Primary Secondary
Aisle and
Cross Aisle
Stairs and
Ramps, Corridors, Safe
Areas, Exit Passageways
85 125 80 50 100 60 80
100 125 90 80 125 80 100
F2 175 250 400 400 500 320 425
F3 100
90 80 125 80 100
F4 85
80 50 100 60 80
See section 27-533. When an exit opening from an assembly space discharges into corridor that does not meet the requirements of this code for a safe area,
the travel distance shall include the distance within the corridor to an exit.
See paragraph four of subdivision (b) of section 27-546 for stages.
See paragraph three of subdivision (b) of section 27-547 for stages.
In place of assembly completely equipped with automatic sprinklers, this distance may be increased fifty percent.
See section 27-532.
Bracket not enacted but probably intended.
(c) Classification. - Exit openings from assembly
spaces shall be classified as follows:
Class. 1.- Exit openings that are used for normal
entry to the assembly space, and that open directly to a
safe area or to an open exterior space.
Class 2.-Exit openings that are not used for
normal entry to the assembly space, and that open
directly to a safe area or to an open exterior space.
Class 3.-Exit openings that open from the assembly
space into corridors, exit passageways, or vertical exits.
(d)Distribution of classes. - The required exit
capacity from F-2 places of assembly, and from all other
assembly spaces in which the net floor area, exclusive
of stage area, is twelve square feet or more per person
may be provided by exit openings of any class. The
required exit capacity from assembly spaces in which
the net floor area, exclusive of stage area, is less than
twelve square feet per person shall be distributed so
that exit openings of each class are provided to
comply with the following requirements:
1. For assembly spaces in which the mean floor
level is not more than fifteen feet above or below the
adjoining grade elevation, the exit capacity shall be
distributed as follows:
Class 1- not less than forty percent
Class 2- not more than sixty percent
Class 3- not more than forty percent
2.For assembly spaces in which the mean floor
level is more than fifteen feet, but not more than thirty
feet, above or below the adjoining grade elevation, the
exit capacity shall be distributed as follows:
Class 1 - not less than sixty percent
Class 3 - not more than forty percent
3.For assembly spaces in which the mean floor
level is more than thirty feet above or below the
adjoining grade elevation, the exit capacity shall be
distributed as follows:
Class 1- not less than one hundred percent
(e) Location. - No exit opening shall be closer than
twelve feet to any part of a stage using scenery or
scenic elements. All exit openings shall be clearly
identifiable and shall not be disguised as part of a wall
or covered in any way to obscure them from view.
Where, because of the configuration of the assembly
space enclosure, an exit opening is not visible from all
seats using it as a means of egress,
directional exit signs
shall be placed on the
enclosure alongside the exit
opening to indicate its location. These signs shall be in
addition to those required over the exit opening.
(f) Locking. - No exit door shall be locked so as to
prevent egress from an assembly space while it is
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Title 27 / Subchapter 8
§[C26-801.11] 27-535 Safe areas.
Safe areas shall comply with the following:
(a) When provided to serve class one or class two exit
openings safe areas shall be separated from assembly spaces
by noncombustible construction having a two hour fire-
resistance rating, and shall serve as transition areas in the line
and direction of exit travel. They shall serve for normal entry
to the assembly space and may be used as corridors, lobbies,
or lounges. No room or space classified in occupancy group
A, B-1, D-1, or D-2 shall open upon a safe area. Safe areas
shall be at a level not more than six feet above or below the
level at which egress is made from the assembly space,
except that a separate safe area shall not be required for any
assembly space having an occupant load of less than one
hundred fifty persons and which is served by a safe area of
another assembly space, when such safe area is in the
direction of egress. Ventilating systems for safe areas shall
not be connected to systems serving any other spaces, unless
separated from such systems by fire dampers actuated by
smoke detectors meeting the construction requirements of
subchapter thirteen of this chapter.
Places of assembly having more than one assembly
space may have a collecting safe area that receives the
occupant load discharged into it by other safe areas.
Collecting safe areas shall be located within six feet
above or below the assembly space nearest to grade.
(2) OCCUPANT LOAD. - The occupant load of
a safe area shall be the aggregate occupant load of all
exit openings discharging directly into it. The
occupant load of a collecting safe area shall be the
aggregate occupant load of all exit openings
discharging directly into it, plus fifty percent of the
occupant load of other safe areas discharging into it.
(3) DIMENSIONS.- Except as provided in
subdivision four of this section, the clear unobstructed floor
area of each safe area shall be sufficient to accommodate
the total occupant load of the safe area on the basis of
two square feet per person, not including space occupied
by furniture or equipment. The minimum dimension of
such unobstructed space shall be eight feet. The width of
the unobstructed space shall be measured at right angles to
the direction of travel to an exit and shall not be less than
required for the occupant load, on the basis of the exit
capacity listed in table 8-1. The height of safe areas shall
be at least eight feet at all points.
(4) SAFE AREAS NEAR GRADE. - When a safe
area provides egress to an open exterior space, either
directly or through a vestibule, the safe area need not
provide the floor area required by subdivision three of
this section when the level of discharge from the safe
area to the open exterior space is not more than four feet
above or below the grade of the open exterior space.
(5) RAMPS AND STEPS. - Ramps in safe areas
shall have a gradient of not more than one in twelve,
except that when not exceeding six feet in length, the
gradient may be not greater than one in ten. Steps in
safe areas shall comply with the following requirements:
a. No riser shall be less than six inches
nor more than seven and one-half inches high.
b. No riser shall vary in height from the riser
immediately above or below it.
c. Treads in flights of steps shall be at least
ten and one-half inches wide exclusive of nosing, and,
except as provided in paragraph d of this subdivision,
the sum of two risers plus the width of one tread shall
be at least twenty-four inches but not more than
twenty-five and one-half inches.
d. No change in levels shall have less than
three risers, except that where the intervening tread is
between twenty-eight inches and thirty-six inches, two
risers may be used when the edge of each tread is
marked by a contrasting color stripe.
e. Where exit openings from an assembly
space are above or below the level of the safe area, a
platform shall be provided at the same level as that of
the exit opening. The platform shall be at least one
foot wider on each side than the exit opening, and
shall extend a minimum of six feet in the direction of
exit travel. The sides of such platforms, and of steps or
ramps leading from them, shall be protected by guards
at least three feet high.
(6) EXITS FROM SAFE AREAS. - The capacity
of exits from safe areas shall be as listed in table 8-1.
Exit openings from safe areas shall discharge
into exit types as provided in subchapter six of this
(7) DOOR HARDWARE. - Doors from safe
areas or from exits from safe areas opening directly to
the outdoors and furnished with locks shall be
equipped with fire exit bolts complying with the
requirements of paragraph two of subdivision (k) of
section 27-371 of subchapter six of this chapter.
§[C26-801.12] 27-536 Corridors. -
Corridors shall comply with all of the requirements of
subchapter six of this chapter, except as modified below:
(a) Capacity. - The capacity of corridors shall be as
listed in table 8-1.
(b) Changes in level. - Changes in level requiring
less than three risers in a corridor shall be by a ramp
having a slope not greater than one in ten.
§[C26-801.13] 27-537 Exit passageways. –
Exit passageways shall comply with all of the requirements
of subchapter six of this chapter, except as modified below:
(a) Capacity. - The capacity of exit passageways
shall be as listed in table 8-1.
(b) Changes in level. - Changes in level requiring
less than three risers in an exit passageway shall be by
a ramp having a slope not greater than one in ten.
§[C26-801.14] 27-538 Vertical exits. –
Stairs, escalators and ramps shall comply with all of
the requirements of subchapter six of this chapter,
except as modified below:
Title 27 / Subchapter 8
(a) Capacity. - The capacity of stairs, escalators or
ramps shall be as listed in table 8-1.
(b) Width. - The minimum width of stairs shall be at
least forty-four inches, except that where the total
occupant load is not more than permitted for one unit of
exit width, the minimum width may be thirty-six
(c) Unenclosed vertical exits. -
Vertical exits leading directly from one safe area to
another, or leading from a safe area directly to an open
exterior space, need not be enclosed.
(d) Ramp slope. - Ramps serving as vertical exits
shall not have a slope greater than one in ten.
§[C26-801.15] 27-539 Open exterior spaces. -
(a) Capacity. - Open exterior spaces shall be
adequate in width and area to accommodate the
accumulated occupant load of all exits discharging
into them on the basis of two square feet per person.
Minimum dimensions. - The minimum dimensions
of open exterior spaces shall be twenty feet, except
that when the principal entrance to the place of
assembly is from an open exterior space, the minimum
dimension of this space shall be thirty feet. No open
exterior space shall have less than four hundred square
feet of floor area, and floor area shall be measured
exclusive of the following:
1. The area immediately outside any exit door
the place of assembly for a distance
perpendicular to the
exit doors of ten feet for the full width of the exit
2. The area of steps, platforms, stairs, or ramps
within or leading to or from the space.
3. The area of obstructions such as shrubs, trees,
fixed furniture, signs, sculptures, pools, and similar
obstructions to occupancy or exit travel.
(c) Above or below grade. - When an open exterior
space is more than fifteen feet above or below the
grade of the street or public space to which it
discharges, its required area shall be increased by one-
(d) Egress from open exterior spaces. -
Exterior exit passageways, ramps, or steps leading
from open exterior spaces shall be not less in width
than required for the occupant load of all exits
discharging into the open exterior space. The width of
such exit passageways shall be based on the capacities
listed in table 8-1, but in no case less than ten feet.
Ramps and steps shall comply with the requirements
of paragraph (e) of subdivision five of section 27-535
of this article.
§[C26-801.16] 27-540 Exit lighting. - In addition to
the requirements of subchapter six of this chapter,
lighting shall be provided in the following areas:
(a) Safe areas. - Safe areas shall be artificially
lighted by electrical means at all times during
occupancy of a place of assembly so as to provide
illumination of at least five foot candles at the level of
the floor and on the surface of all stairs, steps, ramps,
and escalators within the safe area.
(b) Open exterior spaces. -Yards or courts which
serve as open exterior spaces shall be artificially
lighted by electrical means at all times between sunset
and sunrise during occupancy of a place of assembly
so as to provide illumination of at least five foot
candles at the level of the floor over at least the
required area.
§[C26-801.17] 27-541 Exit signs. –
Signs meeting the requirements of subchapter six of
this chapter and subdivision (e) of section 27-534 of this
article shall be provided in all assembly spaces to
indicate the location of exits and, where necessary, the
direction to the exits. All exit or directional signs shall
be placed so that they are clearly visible from all parts
of the assembly spaces, and the bottom of all signs
shall be at least seven feet above floor level. Signs
shall be of the internally lighted type in all assembly
spaces where the general illumination is reduced to
less than five foot candles during a performance or
during occupancy. Signs shall be lighted at all times
during occupancy.
§[C26-801.18] 27-542 Emergency lighting. -
All assembly spaces shall be provided with emergency
lighting facilities sufficient to provide at least five foot
candles of illumination at the floor level. Such lighting
shall be on circuits that are separate from the general
lighting and power circuits, either taken off ahead of
the main switch or connected to a separate emergency
lighting power source, and be arranged to operate
automatically in the event of failure of the normal lighting
system. The provisions of this section shall apply
retroactively to all existing places of assembly that are
or would be classified in occupancy groups F-3 and F-4
or are changed to such classification under this code, in
accordance with the following schedule and specifications:
1. Cabarets, dance halls, night clubs, and taverns
having an occupant load exceeding one hundred fifty
persons shall complete the installation required by this
section on or before April twelfth, nineteen hundred
2. Cabarets, dance halls, night clubs, and taverns
having an occupant load of one hundred fifty persons
or less shall complete such installation on or before
July twelfth, nineteen hundred seventy-nine.
3.Spaces occupied exclusively as restaurants
shall complete such installation on or before October
twelfth, nineteen hundred seventy-nine.
Title 27 / Subchapter 8
4. All other spaces in occupancy groups F-3 and F-4
shall complete such installation on or before January
twelfth, nineteen hundred eighty.
5. The wiring shall conform with the electrical code
of the city of New York, and have the same protection as
specified for wiring in reference standard RS 17-3, RS
17-3A or 17-3B.
6. Storage battery equipment may be used as the
sole source of energy provided it conforms with the
provisions of section four of reference standard RS 17-
3 or consists of two battery packs listed by an acceptable
testing laboratory or conforms with nationally accepted
standards for such source of emergency energy.
§[C26-801.19] 27-543 Light projection sources. –
Motion picture projection and other light projection
sources shall comply with the following:
(a) Film. - The projection, use or storage of film
having a nitrocellulose base (commonly known as nitrate
film) shall not be permitted except under conditions
specified in special permits when issued by the fire
department. Safety film meeting the specifications and
test standards of reference standard RS 8-1 may be
projected, used or stored.
(b) Projection machines. - Projection machines
shall meet the requirements of the electrical code of
the city of New York. The lamp housing of projection
machines using carbon-arc or other light sources that
emit gaseous discharge shall be equipped with, or
connected to a mechanical ventilation system of
adequate capacity to exhaust the products of combustion
through ducts directly to the outdoors. Such duct systems
shall comply with the requirements of subchapter thirteen
of this chapter. When more than one projection machine
or other facility employing a carbon-arc or similar light
source is used, all may be vented by the same duct
system if the capacity is adequate for all facilities so
(c) Other light source facilities. - All devices, such
as spotlights, that employ a carbon-arc or other light
source that emits gaseous discharge shall be vented
directly as required in subdivision (b) of this section,
unless the space in which such devices are located is
mechanically ventilated and provides at least two
thousand cubic feet of room volume for each device.
(d) Light or projection rooms or booths. -
When enclosed, rooms or booths used for the
projection of motion picture film or the manipulating
of lights shall be built of noncombustible materials,
and shall provide a clear working space of at least two
feet around the projection apparatus. Such rooms or
booths shall be provided with vents opening to a
mechanically ventilated area or the outdoors, adequate
in size to supply the make-up air required. The rooms
or booths shall be provided with at least one
noncombustible or metal clad door at least two feet by
six feet opening in the direction of exit travel, and no
point within the room, booth, or gallery shall be more
than fifty feet from a door opening into a corridor or
space that provides access to an exit at a distance not
greater than seventy-five feet.
§[C26-801.20] 27-544 Motion picture screens. -
Motion picture screens shall be noncombustible, or
have a flame spread rating not over twenty-five, or be
of materials that have been rendered flameproof in
accordance with the provisions of chapter four of this
title. The construction supporting screens shall be
noncombustible, and shall comply with the stage
rigging requirements of subchapter nine and with the
provisions of subchapter ten of this chapter.
§[C26-802.1] 27-545 General. -
The provisions of this section shall apply to all places
of assembly classified in occupancy group F-1 under
the provisions of subchapter three of this chapter.
§[C26-802.2] 27-546 F-1a places of assembly. -
F-1a places of assembly shall comply with all of the
requirements of article two of subchapter eight of this
chapter, and with the following:
(a) Construction in seating areas. -
(1) Scenery or scenic elements may be placed in
seating sections of F-1a assembly spaces if such
a. Are noncombustible, or of materials that
have been rendered flameproof in accordance with the
provisions of chapter four of this title, or have a flame
spread rating of twenty-five or less.
b. Are adequately braced or secured.
c. Do not obstruct the required visibility of, or
paths of travel to, exit openings.
(2) Platforms or runways for performances,
to accommodate the operation of cameras, electronic
equipment, or motion picture projection machines not
using carbon-arc or other light source that emits a
gaseous discharge may be constructed in seating
sections, provided such platforms or runways comply with
the requirements of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of
this section.
(b) Stage requirements. -
For the purposes of this section the stage in an F-1a
place of assembly shall include the performing area
and all other nonaudience areas that are used in the
presentation of a performance and that are open to the
performing area. The performing area shall be that
area between the outer edge of the stage apron and the
furthermost up-stage acting boundary, the width being
the maximum stage opening to the audience.
Title 27 / Subchapter 8
The floor construction of stages shall provide fire-
resistance ratings complying with the requirements of
section 27-240 of article two of subchapter three of
this chapter and table 3-4 except as follows:
a. Any portion of the stage floor used for
passing scenery and scenic elements to a lower level
may consist of heavy timber construction supporting
tight fitting traps of at least three inch nominal solid
wood or of equivalent materials in terms of fire-
resistance, strength, and stiffness properties.
b. Stage lifts shall comply with the provisions of
subchapter eighteen of this chapter. Any portion of the
stage floor that is equipped with stage lifts shall be of
noncombustible construction. Joints between lift
platforms and adjacent floors shall be tightly fitted.
c. Finish flooring shall comply with the
provisions of section 27-351 of article five of
subchapter five of this chapter.
When the stage floor is equipped with traps or stage
lifts, the room or space below the stage into which the
traps or lifts open shall be completely enclosed by
construction having at least the fire-resistance rating
required for the stage floor, and such room or space
shall not be used as a workshop or storage area.
Storage shall not be deemed to include the location in
this area of scenery or scenic elements used during a
performance. However, no combustible material that has
a flamespread rating greater than twenty-five or that has
not been rendered flameproof in accordance with
chapter four of this title may be stored in this location
at any time. Under-stage areas shall comply with the
requirements of paragraph eleven of this subdivision.
At least two exits, remote from each other, shall be
available from every point on a stage, each within a
travel distance limitation of one hundred twenty-five
feet. The occupant load of the stage shall be based
upon one person per fifteen square feet for the
performing area and on one person per fifty square
feet for the remaining area. When any portion of a
stage is used for audience seating at any time, exits of
adequate capacity shall be provided for that portion,
within the travel distance limitations for assembly
space seating. Exit openings serving a stage directly
shall have a capacity of seventy-five persons per unit
of exit width.
scenery or scenic elements shall be of noncombustible
materials, or of materials having a flame-spread rating
not exceeding twenty-five, or of materials that have
been rendered flameproof in compliance with the provisions
of chapter four of this title. Scenery and scenic elements
not complying with the above requirements may be used
only when expressly permitted by the fire department.
GRIDIRONS. - Girders, beams, or slats of galleries or
gridirons over the stage floor or in the rigging loft need
not be fire protected but shall be of noncombustible
materials designed in accordance with the provisions
of subchapters nine and ten of this chapter.
Stages in F-1a places of assembly shall be provided
with automatic sprinkler protection complying with the
construction provisions of subchapter seventeen of this
chapter, as follows:
a. Automatic sprinklers shall be placed above all
rigging lofts; and above all stage areas, other than
those portions of stage areas specifically designated on
approved plans as performing areas which do not have
rigging lofts above and that are not at any time used
for storage purposes. Sprinklers above rigging lofts
shall be located so that no gridiron or other obstruction
intervenes between the sprinkler heads and the scenery
or scenic elements.
b. When any part of a stage is sprinklered in
accordance with the provisions of subparagraph a of
this paragraph, or when rigging lofts are provided, such
stage areas and rigging lofts shall be completely
separated from audience areas by a deluge sprinkler
system designed to form a vertical water curtain, with
heads spaced to provide a water density of at least
three gpm per linear foot. The water curtain system
shall be controlled by a deluge valve actuated by a
"rate of rise system" and
"fixed temperature system."
The heat actuating
devices shall be located on not more
than ten foot centers around the perimeter of the
sprinklered area or as otherwise required for the type of
device used to assure operation of the system. In
addition to the automatic controls, manual operating
devices shall be located at the emergency control
station as required by paragraph ten of this subdivision,
and adjacent to at least one exit from the stage. Such
exit shall be remote from the emergency control panel.
c. When openings are provided in the stage
floor for stage lifts, trap doors or stairs, sprinklers
spaced five feet on centers shall be provided around
the opening at the ceiling below the stage, and baffles
at least twelve inches in depth shall be installed around
the perimeter of the opening.
d. All valves controlling sprinkler supplies
shall be
provided with tamper switches wired to an
annunciator panel located at the emergency control panel.
e. The operation of any section of the sprinkler
system and the deluge system shall activate the
emergency ventilating equipment required in paragraph
eight of this subdivision.
f. The water flow alarm, tamper switches and
deluge system equipment shall be provided with central
station supervision in addition to the required local alarm.
g. Existing premises shall be required to
Title 27 / Subchapter 8
conform with this requirement on or before January
twelfth, nineteen hundred eighty. However, existing
sprinkler systems, which have been previously accepted by
the department or by the fire department, shall be deemed
in compliance with this requirement.
ventilation shall be provided for all stages in F-1a
places of assembly to provide a means of removing
smoke and combustion gases to the outdoors in the
event of a fire, as follows:
a. A mechanical exhaust system shall be
provided of sufficient capacity to exhaust an amount
of air at least equal to the sum of the following:
(1) two cfm per square foot of the performing
(2) four cfm per square foot of that portion
of stage area that is not designated as performing area.
(3) four cfm per square foot of rigging loft area.
b. The exhaust system shall be designated to
be activated both manually and automatically, manual
operation shall be by means of a manually operated
switch located at the emergency control panel as required
by paragraph ten of this subdivision and adjacent to at
least one exit from the stage. Such exit shall be remote
from the emergency control panel. Automatic activation
shall be by means of the sensing devices that start the
operation of the sprinklers. Exhaust air openings of
ducts shall be located so as to provide the most
effective removal of smoke and combustion gases.
c. The exhaust system shall be provided with an
automatic emergency by-pass damper in the exhaust duct
on the suction side of the fan. Such damper shall close to
the fan in the event of a power failure to the fan motor
and shall open directly to the outdoors if the fan is
located outside the building, or shall open to a duct
leading directly to the outdoors if the fan is located inside
the building. When located inside the building, the fan
shall be insulated with a minimum of one inch magnesia
block or the equivalent in insulating and fire-resistive
qualities. Exhaust fans shall have drive and bearings
located outside of the fan impeller housing. The exhaust
system shall not be connected to exhaust openings in any
space other than the stage and rigging loft, and shall be
constructed to comply with the provisions of subchapter
thirteen of this chapter[. All]** switches shall be clearly
labelled "emergency stage ventilation" and shall be
painted red.
As enacted but “to” probably intended to be omitted.
Copy in brackets not enacted but probably intended.
d. The emergency ventilation system shall be
connected to both the normal and emergency light and
power circuits.
(9) CURTAINS. - No curtain shall be located between
the audience area and the stage unless it is designated to
permit the air movement required for emergency ventilation
in paragraph eight of this subdivision to bypass or pass
through the curtain without excessive billowing, and be
made of noncombustible fabrics, as specified in the appendix
of reference standard RS 7-3.
emergency control panel shall be provided, as follows:
a. It shall be located on or adjoining the stage,
except that where the stage is surrounded by seating, it
shall be located so as to permit a view of the audience
and stage areas. It shall be manned in accordance with
the requirements of the fire department at all times
during the presentation of a performance to an
b. It shall be equipped with tell-tale lights to
indicate when feeders and subfeeders of emergency
light and power circuits are in operation in assembly
spaces and all exits, including safe areas.
c. It shall, when a deluge type sprinkler system is
provided, be equipped with manual operating devices to
activate the sprinkler system. It shall also be provided
with a signal system to show when any portion of the
sprinkler system has been deactivated.
d. It shall be provided with switches to
provide for operation of the emergency ventilating
system. Controls for the ventilating system shall be
electrically supervised. The supervisory circuit shall be
provided with a trouble bell and light, both of which
shall be activated in the event of a failure in the
ventilation system. A silencing switch may be provided,
and where provided, shall have either an automatic
reset or shall ring again when the trouble is corrected.
e. It shall be equipped with a public address
system serving loudspeakers in the assembly space.
The public address system shall be connected to both
the normal and emergency light and power circuits.
f. It shall be equipped with an alarm system
and intercom connected to the manager's office, the
dressing rooms, and to a supervisory central fire station.
Auxiliary stage spaces such as understage areas, dressing
rooms, green rooms, storage rooms, work shops, and
similar spaces associated with the use of the stage
shall comply with the following:
a. No point within any auxiliary stage space shall
be more than fifty feet from a door providing access to an
b. There shall be at least two exits available
from every auxiliary space, one of, which shall be
available within a travel distance of seventy-five feet.
A common path of travel of twenty feet to the two exits
shall be permitted.
c. The occupant load of dressing rooms shall
be based on one person per fifty square feet of area.
d. Auxiliary stage spaces shall be equipped with
automatic sprinklers when required by the provisions of
subchapter seventeen of this chapter.
e. No workshop involving the use of combustible
or inflammable paint, liquids, or gases or their storage
Title 27 / Subchapter 8
shall open directly upon a stage.
f. The interior finish of auxiliary stage spaces
shall comply with the requirements of table 5-4.
(12) STAGE LIGHTING. - No stage lights shall
be placed so that they will develop temperatures on
the surface of any material that will cause that material
to ignite, or smoke, or cause its flameproofing to
§[C26-802.3] 27-547 F-1b Places of assembly. -
F-1b places of assembly shall comply with all of the
requirements of article two of this subchapter, and
with the following:
(a) Certificate of occupancy. -
The certificate of occupancy for F-1b places of assembly
shall specifically note the prohibition against the use
or placement of scenery or scenic elements on or
above the stage.
(b) Stage requirements. -
(1) DEFINITION. - For the purposes of this
section, the stage in an F-1b place of assembly shall be
the area where the principal activity viewed by the
audience takes place.
(2) CONSTRUCTION. - Raised platforms may
be built as stages in F-1b places of assembly when
they are supported on floors having the fire-resistance
ratings required by table 3-4, in accordance with the
a The area below the platform shall be
enclosed on all sides with solid construction.
b. The horizontal area of stage construction
shall not exceed the following:
Wood frame: maximum area-four hundred square feet.
Fire retardant treated wood: maximum area-twelve hundred
square feet.
Noncombustible frame: maximum area-unlimited.
c. The floor of the stage, when wood is used,
shall be a least one inch nominal thickness, and shall
be laid on a solid, noncombustible backing, or all
spaces between supporting members shall be fire-
stopped with noncombustible material.
d. In all F-1b places of assembly providing
live entertainment, at anytime, the stage, dressing rooms
and property rooms shall be provided with automatic
sprinkler and fire alarm protection in conformance with
the provisions of subchapter seventeen of this chapter.
Existing premises shall be required to conform with this
requirement on or before January twelfth, nineteen
hundred eighty. However, existing sprinkler systems,
which have been previously accepted by the department or
by the fire department, shall be deemed in compliance with
this requirement.
At least two exits, remote from each other, shall be
available from every point on a stage, each within a
travel distance limitation of one hundred fifty feet.
The occupant load of the stage shall be based upon one
person per twenty-five square feet of area. When any
portion of a stage is used for audience seating at any
time, exits of adequate capacity shall be provided for
that portion, within the travel distance limitations for
assembly space seating. Exit openings serving a stage
directly shall have a capacity of one hundred persons
per unit of exit width.
places of assembly having an occupant load over six
hundred persons, an emergency control panel shall be
provided, as follows:
a. It shall be located so as to have a view of
the audience and stage areas, and shall be manned
during the presentation of a performance to an
audience, by a competent person instructed in its use.
b. It shall be equipped with tell-tale lights to
indicate when feeders and subfeeders of emergency
light and power circuits are in operation in assembly
spaces and all exits, including safe areas.
c. It shall be equipped with a public address
system serving loudspeakers in the assembly space.
The public address system shall be connected to both
the normal and emergency light and power circuits.
§[C26-803.1] 27-548 General. - The provisions of
this section shall apply to all places of assembly
classified in occupancy group F-2 under the provisions of
subchapter three. F-2 places of assembly shall comply
with all of the requirements of article two of this
subchapter, and with the following:
(a) Enclosure. - To qualify as an F-2 outdoor place
of assembly, a place of assembly shall have at least
forty percent of the combined surface area of all
exterior wall and roof planes open to the outdoors.
When a portion of an outdoor place of assembly is
enclosed to a greater extent, that portion shall comply with
all of the requirements of this code applicable to indoor
places of assembly.
(b) Grandstands. - Grandstands shall comply with
the following:
(1) CONSTRUCTION.- Grandstands shall be
designed in accordance with the requirements of
subchapters nine and ten of this chapter.
(2) HEIGHT AND AREA.- Grandstands, when
built entirely of noncombustible materials, may be of
unlimited height and area, and when built of combustible
materials, shall be subject to the following limitations:
a. No section of seating shall exceed twenty feet
in height, or exceed ten thousand square feet in area.
b. When more than one section of seating is
provided, and the separation between them is less than
fifty feet, each section shall be separated from the
other by construction having a fire-resistance rating of
Title 27 / Subchapter 8
a least two hours and rising to a height of at least two
feet six inches above the levels of seating at each row.
c. No outdoor grandstand of combustible
materials shall be erected within less than two-thirds
of its height, but in no case less than ten feet, of a
building or an interior lot line unless separated therefrom
by noncombustible construction having a one hour
fire-resistance rating.
Spaces under grandstand seats shall be kept free of all
combustible materials and shall not be occupied or
used for other than egress, unless such spaces are
completely enclosed by noncombustible construction
having a two hour fire-resistance rating.
(4) PARKING. - Motor vehicle parking spaces
shall not be closer than twenty feet to any grandstand
unless separated therefrom by noncombustible construction
having a one hour fire-resistance rating.
(c) Stage requirements. -
(1) DEFINITION. - For the purposes of this
section the stage in an F-2 place of assembly shall be
the area where the principal activity viewed by the
audience takes place.
(2) CONSTRUCTION. - The horizontal area of
stage construction shall not exceed the following:
Wood frame: maximum area-five thousand square feet.
Fire retardant treated wood: maximum area-ten thousand
square feet. Noncombustible frame: maximum area-unlimited.
At least two exits, remote from each other, shall be
available from every point on a stage, each within a
travel distance limitation of three hundred feet. The
occupant load of the stage shall be based upon one
person per fifty square feet of area. When any portion
of a stage is used for audience seating at any time, exits
of adequate capacity shall be provided for that portion,
within the travel distance limitations for assembly space
seating. Exit openings serving a stage directly shall
have a capacity of four hundred persons per unit of exit
In F-2 places of assembly having an occupant load
over one thousand persons, an emergency control
panel shall be provided as follows:
a. It shall be located so as to have a view of the
audience and stage areas, and shall be readily
accessible at all times during the presentation of a
performance to an audience, to a competent person
instructed in its use.
b. It shall be equipped with tell-tale lights to
indicate when feeders and subfeeders of emergency light
and power circuits are in operation in assembly spaces
and all exits.
c. It shall be equipped with a public address
system serving loudspeakers in the assembly space.
The public address system shall be connected to both
the normal and emergency light and power circuits.
(d) Drive-in-theaters-
Drive-in theaters shall comply with the following:
(1) Projection booths and projection machines
shall comply with the requirements of section 27-543
of article two of this subchapter. Motor vehicle
parking spaces shall not be closer than twenty feet to
any projection booth or machine.
(2) Projection screens and supporting structures
shall comply with the requirements of section 27-544 of
article two of this subchapter and shall be designed in
accordance with the requirements of subchapters nine
and ten of this chapter as applied to signs. Motor
vehicle parking spaces shall not be closer than twenty
feet to any projection screen.
(e) Amusement parks. - Buildings and structures
within amusement parks shall be constructed to conform
with all of the requirements of this code governing the
specific use and occupancy. Amusement devices shall not
be placed in operation until they have been made to
comply with the provisions of subchapter eighteen of this
§[C26-804.1] 27-549 General. -
The provisions of this section shall apply to all places
of assembly classified in occupancy group F-3 or F-4
under the provisions of subchapter three of this
chapter. F-3 or F-4 places of assembly shall comply
with all the requirements of article two of this
subchapter and the following:
(a) Stage requirements. -
(1) With scenery and scenic elements. - Where
an F-3 or F-4 place of assembly provides a stage using
scenery and scenic elements, the space shall comply with
all of the requirements of this code applicable to F-1a
places of assembly.
(2) Without scenery and scenic elements. - Where
an F-3 or F-4 place of assembly provides a stage not
using scenery or scenic elements, the space shall
comply with all of the requirements of this code
applicable to F-1b places of assembly.
(3) Cabarets. - In all F-4 places of assembly used
as a cabaret, the stage dressing rooms and property rooms
shall be provided with automatic sprinkler and fire alarm
protection in compliance with the provisions of
subchapter seventeen of this chapter. Existing premises
shall be required to conform with this requirement on or
before January twelfth, nineteen hundred eighty.
(b) Retroactive provisions.- On or before January
twelfth, nineteen hundred eighty, all places of
assembly providing entertainment or used as a cabaret
within F-3 or F-4 occupancies shall be provided with
automatic sprinkler and fire alarm protection to
comply with the provisions of subchapter seventeen of
this chapter.
Title 27 / Subchapter 8
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