885 Pancheri Drive Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (208) 524-0870 ParkWestDental.com
Causes & Treatments
This recurrent problem is complex and has no easy answer regarding cause and treatment. You may need
to try a variety of treatments to find one that helps. Lesions may affect cheeks, soft palate, tongue, and floor
of mouth but not gingival or hard palate.
Minor – Duration 7- 14 days with no scarring.
Major – Duration weeks to months with possible scarring.
Herpetiform – Duration 7 - 14 days with no scarring. Affects soft palate and throat more frequently.
1) Nutritional Deficiencies:
Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, Folate, Iron, Vitamin C.
May be determined with a blood test.
2) Most Common Food Sensitivities:
Cinnamon aldehyde – common flavoring.
Gluten – Wheat products.
Benzoic Acid – Food preservative.
3) Gastrointestinal Conditions:
Chrohn’s Disease - Chronic bowel inflammation of unknown origin.
Celiac Disease - Hypersensitivity to gluten (wheat products).
Ulcerative Colitis.
4) Drug-Related:
NSAIDS-Ibuprofen, Celebrex, Feldene, Ladine, Naprosyn, Relafen, Vioxx
Beta Blockers - Inderal, Nadolol, etc.
Nicorandil-Potassium-channel activator (angina).
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Handout (H-36) 01/03/2007
885 Pancheri Drive Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (208) 524-0870 ParkWestDental.com
1) Sodium Laryl Sulfate (SLS), an ionic detergent found in many types of toothpaste may cause
ulceration – SLS-free toothpastes are:
Rembrandt Toothpaste for Canker Sore Prevention
Oral Defense
2) Home Remedies (Mechanical/Chemical)
A) Remove surface of ulcer with cotton tip applicator and apply small drop of “super glue.”
Repeat as necessary until soreness is gone.
B) Cauterize Ulcer.
1) Debacterol (Northern Research Laboratories-Minneapolis, MN (651) 603-1463).
Apply directly to lesion 3 - 4 times daily until soreness is gone.
2) Baking Soda - applied directly to lesion 3 - 4 times daily until soreness is gone.
C) Listerine - rinse twice daily until soreness is gone.
3) Topical Agents (prescription only) - apply to ulcer
A) “Apthasol”- Amlexanox 5 gm/ 5% Topical Cream apply 4 times daily to lesion until
symptoms are gone.
B) Tramcinolone 5gm/ .1% oral- apply 4 times daily to lesion until symptoms are gone.
C) “Decadron”- Dexamethosone Elixir (100cc) - .5 mg/5cc rinse 4 times daily until symptoms
are gone.
4) Systemic Medications (prescriptions only for severe major RAS)
A) “Prelone”- Prednisolone Syrup /5cc 120 cc bottle - rinse and swallow 1 - 4 times daily until
symptoms are gone.
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Causes & Treatments
Handout (H-36) 01/03/2007