These questions are offered as a guide as you work on your educational plan. If other
questions or topics are more helpful, they can be substituted. If you and your advisor agree on
some other format entirely, that’s permitted also. Final approval of your plan rests with your
advisor. For an electronic version of this document (which you can use as a template for your
plan) and for a couple of samples of completed educational plans, go to the Registrar’s
website and click on “Guidelines for Graduation.”
LOOKING BACK: Thinking about coming to college and your experience so far,
considering academics, co-curricular activities, and the personal side of things.
What were you looking forward to in coming to college? How has your experience compared
to your expectations?
What has helped or facilitated your success so far at Knox?
What have you enjoyed the most?
What barriers or difficulties have you dealt with in coming to college and/or in your life here
at Knox? Have you been able to overcome these difficulties? How so? What difficulties are
you currently coping with?
What has had the biggest impact on you?
What interests or talents have you discovered here? What previous interests or talents have
you developed further?
What have you chosen for your major and minor fields? What factors contributed to these
What connections can you see between different parts of your experience?
between your interests before Knox and your interests at Knox
between your academic interests and non-classroom activities
between courses that you find engaging
Is there any pattern that emerges from these reflections? Any signals of subjects and activities
that are likely to engage your interest into the future?
LOOKING AHEAD: Thinking about the future.
Your next two years at Knox:
Are there additional subjects and/or skills that you would like to explore, either
because they will help you develop the interests you have or because college is a "last
chance" to explore some of these?
What special opportunities might you want to explore? (E.g., internships, study
abroad, independent study, summer work). See list of "Special Opportunities:
Academic and Co-Curricular."
After Knox:
Do you have a dream of what you might be doing five years after you graduate from
And can you think of some other possible visions of the future as well?
Are there other things you could be doing during your years at Knox that might help
you move successfully into these visions?
Foundation courses:
Arts ________________________
History and Social Science ________________________
Humanities ________________________
Math and Natural Science ________________________
Major ________________________
Second field (s) (could be one minor, one additional major, or two minors)
Explain these choices and what connections you see between your fields, if any.
Key Competencies:
Writing ________________________
Information literacy and
informed use of technology ________________________
Speaking ________________________
Quantitative ________________________
Second Language ________________________
Diversity ________________________
Experiential Learning ________________________________________________
Use your EDR (Educational Development Record) to review the list of courses you've already taken
and to see how they are counting towards graduation goals.
To get a copy of your EDR:
Go to the Registrar's page:
Click on: Academic Information for Students and log in.
Login is different for this page than for e-mail.
Your username: Your student identification number
Your password: The last four digits of your social security number
You can print out your EDR from the website.