Faculty Consulting Agreements
Faculty are allowed to consult for outside companies in a manner that is consistent with their
Northwestern University obligations, including, for example, university requirements to comply with
conflict of interest policies, and policies on intellectual property
No consulting activity should:
1) Detract from your ability to fulfill your Northwestern responsibilities,
2) Restrict or limit your ability to pursue their academic and/or research activities at Northwestern
because of confidentiality terms or limited access to intellectual property, or
3) Give away rights or assign intellectual property that is already owned by and assigned to
General parameters to consider if engaging in consulting activities:
Be mindful of your commitments at Northwestern. Certain faculty may be permitted up to 20%
of their professional effort for outside activities beyond the scope of their primary faculty duties,
per the Faculty Handbook, though faculty with administrative responsibilities may have less time
available for these activities. It is prudent to discuss any activity with your department chair or
dean prior to initiating any outside activity.
Disclose the activity appropriately in eDisclosure
. If you are engaged in research, you must
update within 30 days of meeting disclosure thresholds
Consulting for a company that also sponsors your research will likely require management.
There are additional considerations if human participants are involved
Northwestern facilities or other resources may not be used in your consulting activities
Research performed in Northwestern facilities or with university resources is properly done
under a research agreement with the University, and not a consulting agreement.
Considerations specific to any consulting agreement:
Northwestern considers consulting activities to be private endeavors between the faculty member and
the outside company. Accordingly, consulting agreements are private agreements between the
consultant in their individual capacity, and the university does not review, approve, or disapprove, or
provide legal advice for these agreements.
We recommend that faculty consult a competent private attorney for legal advice on the terms and
Below is a list of issues you and your private attorney may address when considering the terms and
conditions of third party consulting agreements
A consulting agreement cannot assign, license, or promise intellectual property that belongs to
Northwestern under relevant policies: i.e., generally anything in your field or arising from
research done at Northwestern
Be mindful of any provisions, such as confidentiality, IP, or non-compete, that might restrict
what you do, or wish to do, in your activities as a Northwestern faculty member, including
existing and future research
Companies commonly include in the consulting agreement a statement that the provisions do
not conflict with other obligations, which may be problematic given university obligations
Consulting agreements from companies are typically presented to faculty members with very
different terms that what Northwestern University will accept in Sponsored Research
Agreements, NDAs, or technology license agreements
o Companies often start with broad confidentiality and intellectual property provisions;
take care that those target only to what is done in the consulting, and do not reach out
to restrict other activities of the faculty member
o If the consulting is in the same area as your research or other activities at Northwestern,
you may want to consider a provision like what follows to be sure the company’s rights
under the consulting agreement do not reach into your Northwestern activities.
“Company acknowledges that the Consultant is a member of the faculty of
Northwestern University and is subject to Northwestern University’s policies
and conditions of employment, including policies concerning consulting,
conflicts of interest, and intellectual property. Company acknowledges and
agrees that nothing in this Agreement shall affect the Consultant’s obligations
to, or research on behalf of, Northwestern University, including, without
limitation, obligations relating to intellectual property developed in whole or in
part by the Consultant in connection with such research. This Agreement shall
not be taken to grant Company any rights in unpublished data or other research
results developed at Northwestern University.”
Sometimes a company will ask for a Northwestern University signature on a consulting
agreement. We will not do that but can provide a brief explanation of the University’s position if
If you would like clarification of the University position or policy interpretation, please contact the Office
of General Counsel.
Resources and contacts:
Innovation and New Ventures Office (INVO)
Website: https://www.invo.northwestern.edu
Contact information: invo@northwestern.edu
Northwestern Conflict of Interest Office (NUCOI)
Website: https://www.northwestern.edu/coi
Contact information: nucoi@northwestern.edu | 847-467-4515
Office of General Counsel (OGC)
Website: https://www.northwestern.edu/general-counsel/index.html
Contact information: 847-491-5605