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Managing Your Career
Personal S.W.O.T. Analysis
Reference Materials Used from www.MindTools.com
Workplace Learning Solutions LLC
©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC – Managing Your Career: S.W.O.T. Analysis 2
“The first essential in a boy's [girl’s]
career is to find out what he's [she’s]
fitted for, what he's [she’s] most
capable of doing and doing with a
Charles M. Schwab, American Industrialist
The key to a successful career lies in knowing what you are good at and what you like to do,
and then putting all your energies into becoming the best at what you do.
S.W.O.T. [ing] yourself can be one of the most revealing things you’ll ever do for yourself.
Not only will you have clarity about your strengths and developmental needs, but you will
also be able to identify where the opportunities are for you, and also identify and address
any threats that might interfere with your success.
The following exercise is a personal S.W.O.T. analysis. Review the sample S.W.O.T on page 3
and the list of questions on page 4 to prepare you for a thorough self-analysis. Complete
your analysis on pages 5 and 6.
©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC – Managing Your Career: S.W.O.T. Analysis 3
Below is a sample S.W.O.T Analysis. Review it for ideas of what your completed analysis might look like.
What are your STRENGTHS?
I'm very creative.
I often impress clients with my ideas for
their brands.
I have great communication skills
I relate well with my clients and teammates.
I have the ability to ask key questions to find
just the right marketing angle.
I'm completely committed to the success of
a client's brand.
What OPPORTUNITIES exist for you?
The company is expanding by entering new
markets creating new openings and the
potential for promotions.
Attending industry conferences to expand
my network and take advantage of training.
A recent vacancy in my department has
allowed me to step into a leadership role,
which is a great career development
opportunity for me.
©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC – Managing Your Career: S.W.O.T. Analysis 4
On this page are questions you might ask yourself to help you identify your specic strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats.
What are your STRENGTHS?
Consider these questions:
What are you good at?
What skills, certifications, education, and
connections do you have that make you
valuable to an employer?
What do you do better than anyone else?
What have others told you about your
What are your proudest achievements?
Which of your qualities, characteristics
and/or values set you apart from your
How do you use your personal network to
strengthen your center of influence?
What are your WEAKNESSES or “AREAS OF
Consider these questions:
What things do you not like to do?
What work tasks or projects do you hate
getting stuck with?
What do your boss and co-workers think
you could do better?
Is there any training or education you need
in order to advance further in your career?
Do you have any undesirable work habits
(such as tardiness, disorganized,
impatience, difficulty working with others
What personality traits do you have that are
preventing you from advancing the way you
would like?
What OPPORTUNITIES exist for you?
Consider these questions:
How can advancements in technology help
you in your career?
How can you maximize social media and
your network to advance your career?
Are there ways you can take advantage of
growth in your industry or the current
What current trends foretell possible future
opportunities and how can you take
advantage of them?
Is anyone you work with currently making
mistakes that could be potential openings
for you to shine?
Is there a need that you have identified
within the company that no one is filling?
Do your customers complain about
something that you feel you have the
perfect solution for?
What are the THREATS to your success?
Consider these questions:
What are some obstacles you have to
overcome that could impact your ability to
be successful?
What does the internal competition look
like? How do you stack up against your
What economic factors could affect your job
or the demand for the job you currently do
or service you provide?
What changes are on the horizon, and how
will those changes affect you?
What is your relationship with technology
and how relevant is developing technology
to your career?
Which of your weaknesses could present a
threat to your career if not properly
©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC – Managing Your Career: S.W.O.T. Analysis 5
Using the example on page 2 as a sample or template, and using the list of questions on page 3 for idea generation,
complete your personal S.W.O.T analysis. Be candid and honest to ensure you have the best insights into your career.
What are your STRENGTHS?
What are your WEAKNESSES or “AREAS OF
©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC – Managing Your Career: S.W.O.T. Analysis 6
What OPPORTUNITIES exist for you?
What are the THREATS to your success?