Amazon Prime Rewards Visa utilizes
Amazon Publisher Services (APS) deals
to help scale campaign delivery and
decrease CPA by 30%
Amazon Payment Products (APP) serves tens of millions of customers worldwide through a
global portfolio of products, oering best-in-class rewards, easy access to credit, as well as
the simplicity to sell or buy cross-border on Amazon in the customers’ local currency. One of
APP’s core products is the US co-branded consumer credit card; the Amazon Prime Rewards
Visa Card. We interviewed Laura Altman, Paid Media Lead for the APP North America
acquisition team, about her experience working with Amazon Publisher Services (APS) in
curating an acquisition campaign for the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Card.
Laura utilizes Amazon DSP (ADSP) campaigns to
support the APP team’s acquisition digital marketing
initiatives. These campaigns can run via the
open auction or through deals. Deals are curated
marketplaces where publishers make their inventory
available to a select group of buyers. Deals attract
buyers who are looking for more curated content
(i.e. contextual, performance-based). After facing
challenges scaling on the open auction, Laura was
excited to learn how her team could utilize APS’ deals
oerings to reach relevant audiences at scale and still
achieve performance objectives.
Why did you decide to pursue deals for this
My team has been running an always-on acquisition
campaign for the Amazon Prime Visa card via open
auction since Q4 2020. We’ve recently struggled
to scale the campaign based on available open
auction inventory. Our goal is to expand our osite
paid ads acquisition program by nding new ways
to reach acquisition-eligible customers. Based on
prior experience, I knew the contextual relevance
of deals, layered with ADSP’s rst-party audiences
segmentation, would allow us to reach eligible
customers on APS’ premium inventory at scale.
Why did you choose to work with APS?
We chose to work with APS because they have
experience with publisher relationships. I knew APS
would provide my team with access to premium
supply that met our client’s high standards. APS also
has a strong support model for troubleshooting and
performing customized work.
What Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were
you focused on and were there any mandatory
parameters for this campaign?
Our goal for this campaign was to drive more ecient
ad spend while gaining incremental impressions on
the Amazon DSP. Our two main KPIs beyond delivery
were (1) cost per acquisition (CPA) and (2) conversion
rate. We wanted to lower CPA and increase conversion
rate compared to our open auction campaign. We
also layered on a rst-party audience to ensure we
were reaching customers for whom the campaign was
For this campaign, we needed to drive ecient ad spend. APS
provides access to a signicant amount of premium inventory,
and, when layered with rst-party Amazon audiences, helped us
do just that. It is great to see APS deals help meet lower funnel,
conversion goals.”
Laura Altman
Paid Media Lead, Amazon Payment Products US
© Amazon Publisher Services. All rights reserved
How did the APS team optimize the deal to achieve the
desired KPIs?
Initially, the campaign was under-performing due to
issues with scale and targeting on the buy side. The APS
team quickly deployed custom modications — such as,
removing under-performing domains, adjusting oor
rates, and modifying frequency caps. Modications such
as those got campaign delivery and performance back on
What results did you see observe after running this
This campaign’s conversion rate was 154%
higher than
the conversion rate for our open auction campaign.
Additionally, APS helped decrease our CPA by 30%
increasing our total impressions by 11%
, making the deals
model one of our most cost-ecient acquisition methods.
What are your plans for future transactions with APS?
Based on the favorable campaign performance and ability
to achieve lower-funnel conversion metrics, our team plans
to continue investing in APS deals. We are interested in
scaling spend in the coming months and are considering
expanding to online video (OLV) deals.
Are you an advertiser or agency that wants to learn how to activate an
APS deal that utilizes premium publisher inventory?
Reach out to
Are you a publisher interested in enabling APS deals?
Publishers working with APS should reach out to APS Support for next steps.
© Amazon Publisher Services. All rights reserved
Sources: 1 Amazon Internal - comparison of US Open Auction campaign (Jan-Sep 2022) and Deals campaign (Apr-Sep 2022) data
Results are representative of performance based on the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa campaign and are not indicative of future performance.