The guide
to buying on
Amazon Business
20 common
questions about
Amazon Business
What is
Amazon Business?
Amazon Business is a B2B online store on Amazon,
providing business customers with the pricing,
selection, and convenience of Amazon, with features
and benefits designed for businesses of all sizes.
Who buys on
Amazon Business?
Amazon Business customers range from sole traders to
large enterprises with tens of thousands of employees on
a single account. We serve millions of businesses around
the globe today, including universities, manufacturers,
restaurants, labs, healthcare providers, and many more.
This includes more than 50% of the FTSE 100 and 22 of
the DAX 30.
What are the high-level
features and benets?
Amazon Business allows you to reduce costs, save time,
achieve greater visibility and control, and more easily
reconcile transactions. With Amazon Business, you have
access to:
Competitive pricing and flexible payment options
A familiar and easy-to-use website with tens of
thousands of suppliers
VAT-exclusive pricing and bulk download of VAT
Multi-user accounts with approval workflows, detailed
analytics, and the ability to set spending limits
What kind of products
are available to buy
on Amazon Business?
Amazon Business is the single destination for all your
business purchases, whether you’re buying office
stationery, lab supplies, contractor-grade power tools, or
laptops. With access to tens of thousands of different
suppliers, you’re guaranteed to find the best price on
millions of products.
Do Amazon Business
customers receive
price discounts?
In addition to the competitive pricing offered on
Amazon, Amazon Business gives you access to
quantity discounts, progressive discounts and
business-only offers.
What is the cost of an
Amazon Business account?
Amazon Business is free! There’s no commitment, and
no minimum spend.
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Can I add additional
buyers from my company
to the account?
Amazon Business allows you to set up one central account
with multiple purchasers, providing you with control and
visibility over team spend. Purchasers can be added as
administrators, who can pull reports and see invoicing
information, or as requisitioners, who can place orders.
You can also add members to your account who can search
products and request them from delegated approvers.
You can easily add purchasers from your company through
Business Settings. Add buyers one at a time by entering their
email address, or upload the available spreadsheet template
to add multiple buyers at once.
What if my employee
already has a personal
Amazon account they
use for purchasing?
If your employee is already using their work email address
for their personal account on Amazon, they can choose
to convert their existing account into the main business
account or create a new separate account. If the employee
has used their existing Amazon account to make personal
purchases, we recommend creating a new user account
with a dierent email address. This protects the privacy
of your employee’s account information and keeps their
personal and business purchases and order history separate.
What payment options
does Amazon Business oer?
At Amazon Business, you can purchase via credit or
purchasing cards. Eligible customers can also activate
Pay by Invoice, the ability to purchase on 30-day
payment terms offered by Amazon (subject to
satisfactory credit checks and individual credit limit).
Can administrators track
and control what others are
purchasing on the account?
What kind of restrictions can
be set on what buyers on
the account can purchase?
With Amazon Business, you can:
Create buying groups and implement your sign-o
process with approval workflows
Set spending limits and auto-approve purchases below
your chosen threshold
Guide company spend and implement policies through
Guided Buying, setting restricted categories or
preferred products
Customise spending reports to track purchasing metrics
How can I get VAT invoices
for my purchases?
You can download available VAT invoices in bulk through
Business Analytics on your account.
You can activate VAT invoicing policies so that buyers can
easily identify products that come with a downloadable VAT
invoice. Use VAT invoice policies to display a ‘restricted’ or
‘blocked‘ flag in search results and product pages for items
without an automatically downloadable VAT invoice.
Learn more at
Can I use Prime on
my business account?
If you convert your personal Amazon account to an
Amazon Business account, your personal prime
membership will be converted to Business Prime, if eligible.
Alternatively, you can create a separate account so your
personal prime membership stays on your existing account.
Can I integrate
Amazon Business into my
e-procurement system?
Yes, you can integrate Amazon Business into 80+
purchasing systems, including Ariba, Coupa, Jaegger,
Onventis, SAP, SRM, and many others.
How will Amazon Business
purchases appear on
my credit card statement?
For participating commercial cards, buyers will receive
enhanced transaction data with line-item detail on
every Amazon Business purchase. This additional data,
available on existing billing and data feeds provided
by the supporting banks, facilitates easier reconciliation
and oers greater levels of transparency and visibility
on spend.
What fast delivery
options are available
on Amazon Business?
Get fast, FREE delivery (with Business Prime)
including One-Day Delivery on millions of eligible
How many suppliers
are there on Amazon
In addition to those items that are sold and fullled by
Amazon, Amazon Business gives you access to tens of
thousands of suppliers. All Amazon suppliers are held
to our Supplier Code of Conduct.
How can I use
Amazon Business for
recurring purchases?
Buyers often need to buy the same items again and
again—for new employees coming on board, to stock the
kitchen, and to make sure the caretaker’s cupboard is full.
With reorder lists on Amazon Business, you can make
these repeat purchases even more eciently and easily.
Simply add items to a Reorder List and, with one click, you
can order (and re-reorder) the items you need or share
your purchasing list with your colleagues.
What kind of data can
Learn more at
What kind of data can
I access on Amazon
Business purchases?
You can use Amazon Business Analytics to access and
download detailed, customisable reconciliation, order,
and refund reports. With Amazon Business Analytics,
you can quickly view monthly trends, customise
reports, save customised reports, and filter by more
than 100 fields, including PO number, order VAT,
order status, and invoice status.
How long does the
set-up process take?
It can take as little as ve minutes to get started (although
it may take up to three days for your account to be veried).
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20 How can I get started?
Simply go to:
and click “Create a free account.”
Simply visit to create a free account or contact us to get in
touch with an Amazon Business representative.